About Us
Our Vision:
To make people smile and simulate conversation with an inside joke that you can wear.
Our Mission:
Here at Hidden Richard we laugh at companies that say not your dad's (insert what they sell) because dad's are cool in their own right. Hidden Richard is for your teenager who likes to live on the edge and think outside the box, grandparents that still tell dirty jokes, and everyone in-between. If you think it's fun to hide Richard, then we think you're rad and probably have a pretty cool outlook on life.
Our Goal:
Our products are designed to excite, entertain, and most importantly engage; often times evoking epiphanies.
If you have any questions about our products or ideas on new designs, please use the “Contact Us” page to get in touch.
Our Vision:
To make people smile and simulate conversation with an inside joke that you can wear.
Our Mission:
Here at Hidden Richard we laugh at companies that say not your dad's (insert what they sell) because dad's are cool in their own right. Hidden Richard is for your teenager who likes to live on the edge and think outside the box, grandparents that still tell dirty jokes, and everyone in-between. If you think it's fun to hide Richard, then we think you're rad and probably have a pretty cool outlook on life.
Our Goal:
Our products are designed to excite, entertain, and most importantly engage; often times evoking epiphanies.
If you have any questions about our products or ideas on new designs, please use the “Contact Us” page to get in touch.